Editor's Note: This two-hour special is based on real events and scientific theory."


In the early 1990s, the US Navy began a series of covert sonar tests, which were linked to mass die-offs of whales, which washed up on beaches throughout the world. For years, the Navy denied they were responsible for these beachings.

In 1997, scientists at the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recorded a mysterious sound (called “The Bloop”) in the deep Pacific, which was thought to be organic in nature.

if the story behind the tv show is fake then why would
Dr Paul Robertsons web site domain have been seized by the government agencies listed on the page?


the page has the following interesting details.

<img src="media/img/mermaids_web.jpg" width="960" height="720" title="Mermaid Legends-Mermaid Sightings-water creature" alt="Mermaid legend is true, and there is proof of real live mermaids">

I wouldnt think that a web page designed to give the impression that the web sites domain had been siezed
would have a description such as the above.

it looks like the web site was not made to show that the story
was a fake or the description would reveal that to anyone who looked at it.

it would not state that the "Mermaid legend is true, and there is proof of real live mermaids"

so even if the web site has been siezed , someone is
still attempting to get the true story told.

and we all know that government agencies do not ever sieze any type of media and then never release that siezed media for public viewing as testified after the 911 attacks.

now do they?

personally , (not) I thoroughly trust the scientific community and every thing they write and every thing that comes out of their mouths , why shouldnt I they have never lied on purpose or tried to hide any information.

now have they?

so , its now a question of gullibility or creditability.

I lean towards the gullibility side of the story as the credibility of the other side is non existant.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.