Rede-- What do you think of the possibility of further (if indeed there has been any in the West) research into phages in view of the superbug situation that we have, admittedly unknowingly, brought on ourselves. Could they help? It is similar to the intestinal treatment mentioned on the title page.

Maybe the placebo effect works with effective treatments too. We want it to work so it does.

May I describe a moment of chagrin, at the very least, for me? My doctor, having dealt with my continuing aches and pains for ages, suggested that I try an acupuncturist. I am nothing if not a sceptic, but I had so much of a problem that I went to see a practitioner. It worked! Not only did it work, but he told me I would not get as much relief on the right side as there was a blockage of the chi. There sure was--- a hip replacement which I hadn't mentioned as I thought he was treating my back only!!!! I still continue to have treatment, maybe it is anti-placebo effect.