Originally Posted By: paul
less capable of is not even slightly true.
american's were the ones that were performing these jobs before these jobs were sent overseas to take advantage of

Yes, before. Just as 100 years ago Europeans were doing them before America overtook.

your just hanging your hat wherever you can find a hat rack.

Yes. The most powerful form of democracy - vote with your feet.


but is it the american peoples responsibility to sacrifice their way of life and their american dream in order to raise the standard of living in other countries?

Yes. It's called not judging people by who their parents were.


which is just another problem that the republican's created and are now complaining about while trying their best to make the problem even worse.

No problem, the greatest country can surely solve whatever problem it has.


don't stop with china , you must include the entire worlds starving masses , do you think that china will move all of

No. It turns out that many countries can't be helped by free trade. Sometimes their people are so unable to make enough coordinated effort that no opportunities are enough.


I cant see what your talking about.

Zoom in on the upper half. You can see what looks like half a dozen spheres.