Originally Posted By: preearth

Have you guys ever come across the book Saint Einstein by Christopher Jon Bjerknes.

You can download the entire book (17 MB) from here:


A table of contents can be found at:


I know it may be hard to believe, but Christopher Jon Bjerknes, is apparently a Jew.

Here is a quote from the book;

"It is easily proven that Albert Einstein did not originate the special theory of relativity in its entirety, or even in its majority.[1]

The historic record is readily available.

Ludwig Gustav Lange,[2] Woldemar Voigt,[3] George Francis FitzGerald,[4] Joseph Larmor,[5] Hendrik Antoon Lorentz,[6] Jules Henri Poincaré,[7] Paul Drude,[8] Paul Langevin,[9] and many others, slowly developed the theory, step by step, and based it on thousands of years of recorded thought and research.

Einstein may have made a few contributions to the theory, such as the relativistic equations for aberration and the Doppler-Fizeau Effect,[10] he may also have rendered an incorrect equation for the transverse mass of an electron, which, when corrected, becomes Lorentz' equation.[11]"

The Einstein part of the book, at least the few bits I have read, seem well written and basically correct.

I might add that Einstein never referenced any of those who published Special Relativity before he did.

His infamous 1905 paper did not contain a single reference to any previous work.

His infamous 1905 paper was not even refereed, and this was for the simple reason, that there was no one in the field that would allow Einstein to publish a paper that was just a gathering of ideas that had been published by other people, sometimes years before, without referencing them.

There is a reason that the Lorentz group of Special Relativity is not called the Einstein group of Special Relativity.

There is a reason that the Poincare extension to the Lorentz group is not called the Einstein extension.

There is a reason that the Fitzgerald contraction is not called the Einstein contraction.

All of Special Relativity was known years before Einstein's infamous 1905 paper.

Einstein was a total fraud.

All you have to do is read the papers on Special Relativity that were published before Einstein's infamous 1905 paper,... some of them, like L'armor's, are even in English.

Earth formed from a collision

Plate-tectonics is wrong