Originally Posted By: Zephir
Originally Posted By: mich12
the eyewalls of sunspots have huge amounts of the circular electric currents (1,000,000,000,000 Amperes for middle size circular sunspots), so plasmas in eyewalls of sunspots will pinch and be in pinch state

  • The flux and circulation in pinch and sunspots are different
  • The currents in sunspot are spread over area larger then our planet, whereas in pinch are concentrated into whisker
  • The sunspots are coldest places on Sun
  • No signs of gamma ray activity were observed in sunspots

Why do you think that sunspots are the coldest places on the sun?
Sunspots are in active regions (AR) of the sun, the soft X-ray and X-ray photos reveal that almost all high temperature (above one million Kelvin) high energy phenomena of the sun are related to the sunspots; some CMEs and solar flares of the sun are caused by sunspots too.

Do you not think that hollow cylindrical plasmas with large circular electric currents (1,000,000,000,000 Amperes for middle size circular sunspots) will pinch?
Z-pinch fusion experiments are done almost every day; do you not believe these experiments?

You think that sunspots are very large, but so do circular electric currents (1,000,000,000,000 Amperes for middle size circular sunspots).