Originally Posted By: Zephir
Originally Posted By: mich12
Some mushroom clouds of hydrogen bombs are black too..

In nuclear bomb the thermonuclear fusion occurs during few milliseconds after explosion only - all the rest are just a thermal effects. I can be proven easily by measurements of neutron flux. In fact, whole thermonuclear reaction is finished at the moment, when flash of explosion dims temporarily.

Originally Posted By: mich12
sunspots cannot be some kind of bubbles, because bubbles cannot produce magnetic fields of sunspots.
Bubbles in plasma, i.e. charged gas can. Of course, bubble model is quite simplified - but it can explain, what how sunspot can appear and disappear at surface of Sun in natural way.

“Some mushroom clouds of hydrogen bombs are black,” I just want to say that mushroom clouds of hydrogen bombs can have low temperature areas and high temperature areas at same time, so do sunspots.

I still do not know how a bubble can produce the magnetic field of a sunspot.
In solar physics, it is very difficult to explain the origin of the magnetic fields of sunspots.