the Maltese caves might be a great place to start looking.

The Neolithic Age, Era, or Period, or New Stone Age, was a period in the development of human technology, beginning about 9500 BC in the Middle East that is traditionally considered the last part of the Stone Age. The Neolithic followed the terminal Holocene Epipalaeolithic period, beginning with the rise of farming, which produced the "Neolithic Revolution" and ending when metal tools became widespread in the Copper Age (chalcolithic) or Bronze Age or developing directly into the Iron Age, depending on geographical region. The Neolithic is not a specific chronological period, but rather a suite of behavioral and cultural characteristics, including the use of wild and domestic crops and the use of domesticated animals.[2]

The Maltese Cave

Later this series of underground rooms was discovered to have been located in the middle of an ancient neolithic village. From the construction of the entrance stones, it is now assumed that at certain times a human sacrifice was chained before the entrance.

Legend has it that these passageways at one time connected with the underground crypts from which the Catacombs of Rome were created. This may very well be true; for the reader must remember that the Mediterranean Sea was created after neolithic times by earthquakes and the shifting of the earth's crust. Therefore, while the ancient tunnels may have existed, they might have been closed by cataclysms of this type, with the knowledge of them coming down to us only in legends.

If the caves mentioned above are real and not just legend and they continue further from the Island of Malta to Italy or even if they are deep enough and large enough to support a large population , these caves might be an execelent place to find evidence that could date modern man beyond any known findings.

the 30,000 skeletons found in the cave shows evidence of a large population or a large grave site perhaps.

that might lead to places even deeper where people would have lived out their lives through / durring the last ice age.
Nowhere is the belief in a subterranean world more prevalent than with the Indians of North America. The Hopis believed they emerged from a world below the earth through a tunnel at the base of the San Francisco peaks near Flagstaff.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.