The earliest known human structure comes about at almost 9,500 BC. That is a place called Gobekli Teppe which I first read about here on SAG. Let me repeat this: the glacial period ends at 10,000 BC. The first evidence of a structure built by a community of humans is about 500 years later. So shortly after the ice age, human society emerged.

emerged from the caves they were living in?

I wonder if Gobekli Teppe would have been under ice durring the ice age they emerged from?

the earths total water content is 67% ice and glaciers today.

in a warm climate !!

in a ice age type climate that percentage would be much greater.

perhapos as high as 80% , with the remaining water locked up in the ground mostly , and in frozen rivers and lakes.

with very little vapor or atmospheric water.

I suspect that the only inhabitable parts of the surface of the earth would have been the equatorial areas of the globe where temperatures would have been higher.

I also suspect that sea levels were also much lower than the 180 meters that is commonly refered to , and I would think that the peoples of the earth before the last ice age would have migrated with the lowering seas due to the availability of fish.

and eventually as temperatures decreased the peoples of the earth would seek a warmer climate such as the constant warmth that the caves would provide for their existance.

any cities that they would have built would now be covered up by thousands of feet of silt over the millions of years that they were underground.

any cities that were built before the glaciers covered then up would have been carried away into the oceans as the glaciers flowed to the seas.

wiping the slate clean.

the only places that we can find our history past the ice ages is under water.

the caves that people used to live in before the end of the last ice age are probably still mostly intact if they were not subjected to flowing water.

when the methane began to explode from the oceans due to lowered pressure from lowering sea levels there was a almost instant climatic responce that warmed the earth very rapidly , this warming would have flooded the caves from meltwater and torrential rains that would have drowned those living in the caves.

I imagine that back then the natural selection would involve people that were selected to live closer to the entrances of the caves because they would be the ones that would go out in the cold every day and gather what ever food that was available and those who were the leaders of those people lived further inside the caves where they ruled from.

and as natural selection goes the ones living closer to the caves entrances were the ones that got out , LOL.

there are many things to think about , and many ways it could have unfolded , but to decide that something happened a certain way because of the evidence we currently have found is sort of like calling an inch a mile.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.