Exnihilo says: "So, the question is how does gene mutation create new genes? Show that and the debate would probably end."

Anyone interested in the answer, go to this preview of the book 'Essential Cell Biology':

(Click on 'Contents' >> 'How Genes and Genomes Evolve', then scroll down to the next page, 295)


'Five Main Types of Genetic Change Contribute to Evolution'
'Genome Alterations Are Caused by Failures of the Normal Mechanisms for Copying and Maintaining DNA'
'DNA Duplications Give Rise to Families of Related Genes Within a Single Cell'

Exnihilo says: "Just like Darwin evolutionist's of today have to make a great leap of faith to say evolution is taking place."

Long-Term Experimental Evolution in Escherichia coli. XII.
DNA Topology as a Key Target of Selection



"Time is what prevents everything from happening at once" - John Wheeler