" I have not advocated creationism nor dismissed evolution but there is ample reason to be suspicious of that has no basis in fact.
No there isn't. Unsubstantiated quotes are not evidence. Not only are they not physical evidence; they aren't any kind of evidence.

I've met lots of people on the net who claim to be things they are not and claim to have credentials that they do not, in fact, have.
I know a few research molecular biologists - not many, but a few. All of them accept evolution. I'll name names: Dr. Harold Morowitz (molecular biophysics, Krasnow Institute, GMU), Dr. Thomas Schneider (NIH), Dr. Stuart Kauffman (inst for biocomplexity and information), Dr. Bonnie Bassler (Princeton). These are people I've met personally and whose bios you could easily confirm on the web - and read their articles and books. I do not know them well, but I've had brief conversations with each. There are many other researchers whose papers I've read. Also, the professional organizations for molecular biologists EXPLICITLY rejects creationism and accepts evolution:


The federation of scientists for experimental biology (FASEB)
which includes American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ( http://www.faseb.org/faseb/WhatIsFASEB.html ).

The group issued the following statement
which explicitly supports the teaching of evolution and rejects the teaching of either creationism or "intelligent design" creationism.
"The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) has issued a statement supporting evolution and opposing the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in science classrooms. Supported by volumes of scientific evidence in numerous fields, evolution is among the most thoroughly tested theories in the biological sciences. The FASEB statement affirms that intelligent design and creationism are not science. "

Based on my personal acquaintances with molecular biologists and with the published statements of the leading societies of molecular biologists, I'm skeptical of your friend's claim.

In short, I don't see how unconfirmed assertions from anonymous people on the internet constitute a reason to be suspicious of evolution when can 1. find numerous molecular biologists who are actively engaged in evolution research and whose published works indicate a complete acceptance of evolution and 2. their own professional societies EXPLICITLY give strong support to evolution which seems EXTREMELY unlikely if 95% of the membership rejected evolution.