So far in my part of Oz it has been a very cool summer. Actually it hasn't really, it's more that the last five or so years had been horrifically hot. NYE last year was 41c. This year it was 16c !!!!

Personally I believe that the term Climate Change is more descriptive of what is happening now than Global Warming. Here, in the south, we are much much drier than we used to be and the last ten years have seen us in drought. This part of the country used to be very damp and rainy. Not any more! Although rain has been pouring down further north, we only had half the rain we usually get in Spring last year, and this cool summer is welcome as we are still getting less than half our usual rainfall. So much so that a desalination plant is being built (on a lovely stretch of beautiful coastline- but that's another story!) to supply the water needed in future by Melbourne, a city of 4 million people. Apparently weather/climate forecasters see no reason to suppose that rainfall here will return to what was regarded as normal.

PS- I feel I should explain that the hot bits of our country are north-- the south (where I am), is the cooler, wetter bit!