Originally Posted By: redewenur
..unfortunate that the internet is saturated with half-baked ideas ..
From Holy Church perspective the Galileo ideas were half-baked too. Most of phenomena, he promoted as an evidence of heliocentric model could be explained by geocentric model as well - this is the reason, why Holy Church rejected them.

The final evidence was given just some three hundreds years later by confirmation of stellar parallax by Bessell. Until this moment the Galileo ideas were speculative as well.

We can ask, from which moment the idea becomes ready instead of half-baked, after then. Even quite rough ideas can help the knowledgeable people in further research. While trolls cannot understand fully fledged ideas neither (.."A word is enough to the wise. A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse"...)

Originally Posted By: redewenur
..thanks ...for the light of rationality..
My stance is rational as well. For example, try to imagine, the civilization will be threaten by new unknown virus. Would you wait for fully baked ideas after then? Should we exterminate the life species or new ideas just because we have no usage for them yet? If you don't like ideas of Tsolkas, why not to simply ignore them? Some less ignorant people could interested about them instead of you.

Ludwig Börne: "Pythagoras offered a hecatomb of oxen, when he discovered the forty-seventh proposition of Euclid - since then every ox trembles, when a new truth is discovered.." (Zephir: Well, it doesn't know apparently, that this hecatomb was made of flour..)