When it comes to facts, are some climatologists of the same bent of mind as the big pharma drug pushers?

well ... all of my tomatoes froze last night , along with many
other crops here in the south I expect.

we NORMALY dont get that type of weather until around janurary!

and I WAS in my sleeping bag , brrrrrr.

and this type of weather is just a scratch on the surface of what is in store for us.

I think that the large corporations that are so concerned with us and our health , who obviously arent concerned about us having jobs to pay for all of the products they make overseas
really arent concerned about us !!!
only the profit they can make by producing something to sell us.

and as the norm , like all of the industry we had here in the U.S. it too will be exported to another country where basically slave labor is available , mostly because we americans are so smart that we dont seem to understand that every time we buy a imported product we are destroying the american economy.

this has nothing to do with climate change you might say , well
if you look down deep it does , it has everything to do with climate change , the products that were made here in the U.S. that are now made in china for instance are being produced at a terrible expence to the climate.

where the polution was being controled somewhat here in the U.S. there is no control in other countries.

our buisness men and scientist are traitors to america as far as I am concerned , if we dont catch a grip and invest in industry here in the U.S. where controls can be placed on polutants
in order to reduce the amount of polutants produced in foreign countries then we are a done deal , washed up.

sure it would cost alot of money to re-structure the American Industry back to where it was in the 1940's when it was our industrial might that made it possible to defeat the then axis of evil.

trade tarriffs on all imported goods into the U.S. is one execelent answer that would allow U.S. industry to grow because it would allow for a more price competitive basis for industry to
grip onto.

ie.. a radio made in china that cost the american buyer at sears or wallmart or ANY store you can think of that sells radios made in china in the U.S. or any other product you can find in any store in the U.S. that certainly isnt made in the U.S. , that cost $100.00

slap a 20% tarriff on that radio...

it now cost the american $120.00 ...

in a few years that american can probably quit flipping hamburgers and work building radios.

the added 20% price of the radio could go towards the reduction of polutants and the implementation of robotics to offset production cost.

when you buy the china made radio you save $20.00

when you buy the american made radio you save your childrens jobs , you save the climate , you save america.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.