Tutor Turtle

when the south tower fell , the building fell into the basement areas and basically filled that area with debri.

there was still space under the north tower and building 7 I suppose , I cant find out if there was an open area under vesey st , however I would think that there would be , just not sure.

when the north tower fell , it fell into its basement area and since the south tower had already fell and occupied its basement area , there was no place left for the north tower to fall into other than its own basement area , there were several hot spots of molten metal found in the basement area of the south tower

scroll down for the thermal images of the wtc

most of the molten metal was found in the basement of the south tower and the basement of building 7 , according to the thermal imagery.

from what I can make of the light imagery taken of the wtc aftermath below

light imagery of wtc aftermath

when the north tower fell , it fell into its basement area and spread into the buildings basements adjacent to it causing a structural failure to the building between the north tower and building 7 , as there is not much thermals showing in the footprint or basement area of the north tower , I would sudgest that the force from the collapse of the north tower pushed hot super heated air down into the wtc area further heating the already heated metal such as in a blast furnace , this could have pushed hot molten metal and debri through any openings available underneath vesey st such as the subway tubes and assorted access ways underground and caused a structual damage to building 7 that could not be easily seen from ground level.

there were reports and evidence of pyroclastic flows eminating from the wtc buildings that ignighted automobiles parked outside in the streets.

this molten metal underneath building 7 could have been the reason for its removal.

if you will notice the thermals or hot spots in the footprint of the south tower and building 7 , you can see that the hottest spots appear to be located in a manner in which they could have been pushed outward to their furthermost positions by the blast of air provided when the north tower fell.

at least that is some of what I have been thinking about concerning this matter , hope this has provided you with some type of reasonable reason why building 7 fell or had to be removed.

I still think that building 7 was dropped on purpose , probably because of the fires in the basement areas and the extreme structual damage underneath it.

here are a few links to help to get an idea of the locations
and other assorted links.

foundation and subway tubes

view from the top durring construction

view from the top after construction

status of the buildings after 911

a more recent view from the top

2000 subway map

current subway map

google maps (( vesey st )) wtc area

molten metal (( south tower ))

the video above shows molten metal located in the north east corner of the south tower , by studying separate videos and images of the aircraft impact to the south tower , it appears that the aircraft strikes the building at a apx N NE heading , a heading which sends the aircraft towards the northeast corner of the building , I believe that what you are seeing burning in this video is the magnesium wheels of the landing gear.

the initial fireball could have ignighted the rubber tires and thereby provided fuel to ignite the wheels , if they did not ignight on impact , also the location of the wheels if that is what is burning provided the fire with plenty of oxygen for burning.

burning thermite using magnesium as a fuse !!

notice the magnesium fuse burns very slow...

the thermite burns very fast ...

the thermite does not burn with a orange flame.

I have personaly removed my suspictions that the towers were demolished on purpose , I had to find out myself if that was what happened that day , it bothered me constantly and since we were not given any reasonable explanations that contridicted all the conclusion jumping and theories in many of the 911 videos , I went after the explanations myself.

there is still that picture of the obvious shape charge used on the I-beam at ground level however.
after finding these photos it looks as i...ape charge look

as in the large core section on the left there is what appears to be a cut at an angle in this beam also " unfinished"

this brings me to the moment that the south tower collapsed

the top of the tower did not fall straight down it fell toward the north east corner of the building , the corner where the burning magnesium wheels were I spoke of , if that is what was burning , if not then it would have had to be thermite and someone very brave would have had to place the thermite there in that location after the collision , or they would have had to know exactly what floor of the building the plane was supposed to crash into.

magnesium burns at a temperature of around 1982 C

1982 degree Celsius = 3599.6 degree Fahrenheit

steel melts at 2700 F

the corner that the magnesium wheels were burning in was no more than 2 meters away from the place where the corner of the building began to fall according to the distances in the video.

each horizontal girder is apx 1 meter distance from each other.

the south tower fell because of the weight of the 30 floors above the 80th floor that fell on the 79th floor and then the weight of the 31 floors above the 78th floor and so on.

the nist report says that there was a UPS unit (uninteruptable power supply unit ) on the 81st floor read about it here if you want , in my opinion lead acid batteries would have melted long before the showers of molten metal was seen , in other words the electricity stored in the unit would have boiled away with the electrolite long before the moments just before the collapse , if they could have withstood the impact of the aircraft.

you decide .

I believe it was the nist that was used to deny funding to the CFM (the predecessor to the CFPFM )back in 1996 hence I have little use for their findings.

It may be that when the south tower fell , the foundation / core of the north tower was weakened , thus the method of core failure as seen in the videos of the north tower falling.

north tower collapse , note the top 19 floors at top fall first
then the remaining floors fall as the weight bears down on them.


3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.