Where this is all headed is speculative.
On one hand there needs to be something cleaner to burn than fossil fuels or a way to burn fossil fuels without creating hazardous byproducts.
Necessity is always the mother of invention.

I agree , except that inventions need a means of manufacturing
in order for them to be worthwhile.

in the video I posted the link to about the cfl bulbs there was a large portion of concern about the safety hazards of these cfl bulbs , I just left lowes and while I was there I noticed cfl bulbs that have a hardened shell , and they appear very similar to regular old fashioned light bulbs , this addition to the cfl should remove any concerns about the mercury content if the hardned shell is strong enought , but I can practically guarantee you that there was not a single penny of energy related funding from the U.S.D.O.E. involved as it would lessen concern of safety thereby increase use and reduce fosile fuel useage in the U.S.

On the other hand leveling the playing field to tear down the superpowers and to raise the third world countries to a greater standing so that the world can be united under one rule has long been the idea rallied around stories of the Illuminati or Tri-lateral commission.

illuminati...theres an old one.

a central government of "this world" will never happen , at least not in the way you would think.
there may be / become a group of individuals with this intent but I find that with all of the counter actions we see for all the actions that might tend to give one more power than the other there would never be any single group that could achieve this goal.

complete world rule is a pipe dream.

probably discussed in circles that contain the wealthiest people.
the most they can / could hope for would be to gain such a firm grip on the countrys of the world financially , that their grip could control each countrys economy , thereby allowing them to set wars between the countrys to increase their profits.

to not see this as a leader of a country and act on it respectively shows weakness in that leader.

to be led around by a group of people with this intent shows either a willfull obedience or shear neglect of that countrys leader / leaders.

I enjoyed reading your reply and hope to read more.

the zietgeist film along with many more such as the 911 films
need a bit of structure they mostly jump to conclusions to feed a hungry crowd.

there is only one thing I have found in all of the 911 conspiracy films that hold water in my book , and that one single thing is the I-beam at ground level that clearly shows a deliberate cutting with some type of shape charge or thermite.

this could have been done to clear the debri , I cant find any info on it.

I can fully understand how the building structure failed as the building fell , and the reasons it fell.

every picture I have seen clearly shows that all of the bolts that held the floors in place were popped from their holes.
I wouldnt think you could place explosives on each bolt , it was a structual failure in my opinion , if that holds any weight .

Im not a republican by any means and hope that by saying these things I have not upset anyones beliefs in a conspiracy theory concerning 911.

at first I fell into the conspiracy belief that this was all planned out by someone / some group other than just a few terrorist , and I have to admit it was the refusal of the release of the confiscated tapes that was a large percentage of my believing this , it was my studying the assorted tapes on the internet and pictures of the aftermath and the eye wittness accounts that led me to believe otherwise.

before the pentagon tapes were released , I had already found evidence of the 9 ft diameter impact of one of the jet engine cowls in a picture taken just after the impact.

but that is enought about the 911 attacks , the point is that the media does have a large impact on the way we think , if they choose to feed us incorrect information and later we find out that that information was incorrect then they will have to bear the results of our trust in them.

I believe that there will be a through investigation of 911 and then we will find out if there was any type of a power play involved and by whom.

if we become evil to fight evil , then where is the fight.


3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.