A couple of years ago there was an article referring to the war in Iraq where Saddam Hussein before he was captured and before the war began and while he was still buddies with the U.S. being supplied with arms and munitions by the U.S. Government, had decided to invest all of his oil revenues in the Euro rather than the U.S. Dollar.
This would have collapsed the U. S. Dollar which was mentioned in the video.
There are certain things that were said that add up with the history of events.
There is another great video called zeitgiest http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ which I feel supports a lot of what was stated in the film by Lindsey Williams.

Where this is all headed is speculative.
On one hand there needs to be something cleaner to burn than fossil fuels or a way to burn fossil fuels without creating hazardous byproducts.
Necessity is always the mother of invention.
On the other hand leveling the playing field to tear down the superpowers and to raise the third world countries to a greater standing so that the world can be united under one rule has long been the idea rallied around stories of the Illuminati or Tri-lateral commission.
These ideas are alot like the movie conspiracy theory where truths are made into tabloid like drama where no one really takes anything seriously.
The media is a powerful influence and governments aren't in service to the people as much as they are to special interests. No one I know really believes the politicians of the world are living in any kind of integrity and this is supposed to be a comedic kind of picture that is being painted.

I think the threat of human submission to an influence that has designs other than to expand the welfare of humanity is valid.
In the history of the world there have always been those who wish to rule the world. I don't think man has yet evolved beyond this egotistic desire to have healed this disease.

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!