Originally Posted By: samwik

Yes, I think the concept of "biofuels" is a valid and useful concept.

...so yes, but not the way we've done it so far.

Got to give you some kudos ... not a bad answer ..... which I will further interpret that you do not support biofuels unless they are developed in a different way or under a different global political and/or economic system ?? But given that is not the world we live in ..... do you agree that it is then right to limit them ?

And RicS, your last pargraph is exactly the reason I became so fascinated by this whole topic .. I saw An Incovenient Truth and became quite the ardent environmentalist .... but then started asking questions about some of the details, realised that 2+2 did not equal 5 and was AMAZED at how much resistance there was to getting answers ... which made me mad ..... I felt conned.