
Oh come on, Nobel Prizes are handed out to the most absurd people, especially the peace ones, but many of the other ones also go to those that do not deserve it. And if you think about it, how can it be anything else. It is an award provided by Nobel as a salve to his conscience for inventing TNT, if memory serves me correctly. Instead of just being grateful that he become extremely rich and that his invention had great peaceful uses such as tunnelling, mining etc, etc, he had to go and feel sorry for himself and create a series of awards that are not generally fair. For instance, he forgot Mathematics. That was not a small oversight.

And turning to Al Gore, you have to admire President, I mean, Mr Gore. Firstly he should have been President and could have been. I actually don't admire him for that. I thought what he did was rather wimpish personally. But he was Vice President and he certainly does care for the environment. Just look at his house that runs the energy equivalent usage of twenty normal houses, or the hundreds of thousands of both private and public jet transport. Oh, and look at where his money came from. Tobacco.

Alright I'm taking a whole bunch of very cheap shots here and I could take several more for the very poor research he seems to do on several subjects and his acceptance of conclusions after it has been clearly shown that the research was faulty, Lonnie Thompson and the Hockey Stick to name just two examples.

But I also admire the depth of his committment. He has never waivered and at least he does not drive nails into trees to injure loggers. He discusses his views calmly and often rationally. I thought his "An Inconvienient Truth" was excellent. It was superbly put together and shows what he and millions of others actually believe. It also showed some very perceptive people just how many wholes there were in the general arguments relating to global warming or to CO2 contributions to it.

To quote Lord of the Rings: "A fool ... but an honest fool".


Sane=fits in. Unreasonable=world needs to fit to him. All Progress requires unreasonableness