temperature is in proportion to pressure.

if pressure increases then temperature increases.

if the atoms hit head on then the splatter would be diffused in a circle extending to its containment area or field.
the disbursement of the temperatures might allow containment.

if the atoms glance off each other then the splatter would follow the two paths of the two atoms.
since the atoms will be converted into energy at the moment of collision , this energy and its associated temperature will travel into the containment field and through it , and through anything in its path , until its heat has been absorbed by its surroundings , its heat being its energy.
if both atoms are traveling at close to the speed of light then the splatter will maintain this speed.

the most dangerous scenario would be that the two atoms traveling at close to the speed of light would simultaneously impact a seperate offset atom inside the accelerator , in this scenario the two atoms could transfer each of their momentums to the seperate atom sending it away at a speed beyond the speed of light and with a temperature equivalent to the energy lost by the two atoms durring the collision.
this atom would be converted into energy at the moment of collision and since nothing can travel faster than the speed of light the temperature of this energy will increase proportionately due to the excess energy in the energies momentum above the speed of light.

but what if there is no speed of light?

and what if I am brain dead and dog tired?

this stuff is spooky and amazing.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.