The 100-tonne wheel, the fourth and largest detector, the last piece of an ambitious experiment that scientists hope will help unlock the secrets of the universe, was successfully lowered into an underground cavern on Friday.
Its expected that the world's most powerful particle accelerator which the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) will
use to race Atoms in opposite directions around a 17 mile circle
at close to the speed of light, to eventually collide head on, will start running around June this year.
It may well created the conditions just after the Big Bang (if there was such a thing) and give the Scientists the answer to "everything"

However its giving a number of people cause for concern.
Since they believe that it could result in the Ultimate Catastrophic man-made phenomena, and destroy our Planet.

That the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN- will produce microscopic black holes, gigantic strangelets, and the tunneling into another vacuum in the landscape.
These things may create a growing volume whose interior is incompatible with life and they may eat and destroy our planet: the LHC is therefore irresponsible.
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Dont little Black Holes evaporate?
Anyway we are not God (yet), and we can no more 'destroy' a Planet with energy, than make one. Guess we are safe? sick


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.