Ellis wrote:

"the point was that it is too near the Equator for snow, and I know it snows on the top of Kawaii in Hawaii".

Obviously snowfall is not simply a product of cooling through altitude. You need moisture as well. Hawai'i has a moister climate than does Kenya. It's closer to the sea for a start.

Scpg02 wrote:

"Killamanjaro is losing it glaciers do to deforestation".

I remember reading that before the Aboriginal Australians arrived Oz had a more widespread forest cover. Whenever rain fell wind carried transpired moisture further inland to fall as rain again and so on. Deforestation through widespread use of fire reduced transpiration and the amount of moisture carried further inland. This exaggerated the drying of the continent. Reforestation may be the single most important thing to reduce drought. Trouble is any trees planted in drought-prone regions are often immediately chopped down and used for fuel. Too many people again.