It's not just "Backwoods" Humanity who are out of touch.

On the weekend I decided to "veg out" for awhile in front of the TV. I really don't watch as much TV as I should. I came across a "Star Trek" Auction. Props, wardrobe and accessories from the various Star Trek spin-offs were being auctioned off both live and On-Line. The auction had occured some time ago; the program I was watching was a documentary.
For 45 minutes you're watching all these people spout off about "Gene Roddenbury's Vision of the Future", the betterment of Mankind, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah...And then, when the bidding actually started, they were spending OBSCENE amounts on things like "tricorders", a Ferengi Dictionary, Mr. Spock's Ears. "Ordinary" people, from all over the World, paying as much as $250,000.oo for a model of "The Defiant". There were a pair of girls, from the UK, who had translated all of the songs ever recorded by The Beatles into Klingon.

Somehow it made thoese "Suckling Pig Girls" seem less disconnected.