Originally Posted By: DA Morgan

redewenur quotes Canuck as asking: ""So - how do we get the world's population to develop a global conscience?"

Tools? I think the only way is to appeal to their vested self-interest.

For example: Lower taxes for those whose actions of personal responsibility don't further burden society by requiring more schools, more roads, more sewage processing, larger airports, etc.

So you think that pair of Bangladeshis, who may need 6 kids in order provide a family income that's sufficient for the parents to survive, will choose to have only 2 kids because of some promise of lower taxes? crazy
I wonder what the taxes are in Bangladesh anyways, or how many public dollars are spent on sewage treatment plants?
Sorry, I can't see it happening.

The only place in the world where your solution would work, is in the developed world. And guess what? Populations in the developed countries are not expanding due to birth rates. So you've come up with a solution to a problem, that's only applicable in places where that problem is non-existent to begin with.

You want to stop the additional roads, STPs, schools or airports from being built in the US? Easy solution - stop immigration. The US birth rate is 2.1 which just so happens to be the exact birth rate that is required for replacement. The US population won't increase 1 iota if you stop people from coming in.