Originally Posted By: DA Morgan
If Canuck wrote: "More people equals more minds equals more human horsepower available to solve problems." Then he is partially correct. More people does equal more minds. There is no evidence that it equals more horsepower to solve problems. Anyone that thinks that no doubt thinks committees make good decisions too.

What was the human population when J.S. Bach was writing music?
There haven't been any better?

Lets run down the list of the greatest minds of which we know?
Newton? Einstein? DaVinci? Rembrandt? Pythagorus? shall I go on?

If Canuck was correct then it would follow that a human population on this planet of 60 billion would be better than a human population of 6 billion. Anyone want to test it out?

Click here: http://opr.princeton.edu/popclock/
and let me know when we get smart enough. <g>

sigh - Morgan, if you had bothered to read my post you will see that nowhere I was advocating increasing the population to some obscene number. In fact I explicitly stated "Now, of course we can't just breed like bunnies and assume everything is going to be rosy".
The quote of mine that you pulled was in the context of bringing the people, that are in effect, 'disconnected' from the global community (aka the ones eking out a life in a rice paddy), into the global community, so that we can get the whole of humanity actively engaged in addressing problems and helping move the human race forward.

Once again you're looking silly by quoting people out of context.