Max requests:
"Ask any astronomer."

So I did. I called my daughter. She's worked at both of the Gemini telescopes (Chile and Hawaii) and what she said would not be fit to print so let me phrase this more delicately for you Max: YOU ARE WRONG!

Those who have been here longer than you recall that she is a professional astronomer and in January of this year she brought a dozen colleagues up to the house for dinner, discussion, and a snowball fight (they don't have a lot of those in Chile or Hawaii).

Anyone interested in her presentation as AAAS:
Search for Close Binaries of Herbig Ae/Be Stars
Maria J. Cordero1, S. Thomas2, N. van der Bliek3, B. Rodgers4, G. Doppmann4, A. Sweet5
1Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile, 2UC Santa Cruz, 3CTIO, Chile, 4Gemini South Observatory, Chile, 5Macalester College.

You've got to be careful throwing around baseless challenges Max. Not all of us are sitting on the couch drinking beer. <g>

DA Morgan