Good idea, but also making personal change helps to not feel so doomed! Walk or cycle to nearby places, open a window instead of turning on airconditioning, put on a jumper instead of the heater! All small things but they are symtoms of how unthinkingly we overconsume energy.

Maybe Ash, it will be your generation that decides to be content with the idea that quality in their lives and not quantitiy of possessions is the most important aim.Hopefully by the time you are ready to build a house it will have to have recycled water and solar heating panels. Maybe you will use a non polluting car and, most important of all, you will have solved the problem of how to deal with the millions in the newly affluent Asian nations who want to live at least at the standard level that you and I do now.

Really we know what else we should be doing too, but we lack the will to achieve it- maybe your lot will be more involved...and I hope it won't be because you have to be.