What technology could affect the magnetic field?

AM, FM, UHF, VHF, Satellite microwaves. All affect the frequency of the field and could in fact, be weakening the field, and cause GW.

The weakening magnetic field is a huge problem. If the frequency changes...Our brains operate on the same frequency as the magnetic field. It could result in confusion, or your brain could completely shut down. This has been proven by placing people under a different frequency, and they couldn?t function enough to touch their nose.

Some astronomers say that the physical poles will shift. This is scheduled for 2012, when the sun crosses the galactic equator, and we will be aligned with a black hole. This falls on the same date that the Mayan calendar ends and the I Ching predicts the end of the earth?Dec. 21, 2012. All three predict rising sea levels, GW, floods, stronger storms, earthquakes... Just Google the date for more info.

Tesla discovered how to harness electricity from the magnetic field about 100 year ago. It?s been all covered up by the government. I would be willing to bet that ?The Hum? or ?the Taos Hum? is related to Tesla?s free energy towers. Do your own research, like I did, and think for yourself.

Last edited by Max; 03/24/07 03:21 PM.