I challenge you to show me the waste in our cattle industry.

We use enough of the animal to put our ancestors to shame.

Think of all the millions of cows slaughtered every month. Where is the fifty-mile high pile of unusable hooves? 50 mile pile? Not really - our entire planet would be knee deep in remains if we didn't use them all. Or, we could burn it all and cause "cattle winter".

It's an unsavory topic, but what doesn't get used for meat goes to a rendering plant where just about every molecule of it is turned into something that somebody can use. And there's more of it around you than you imagine.

You know that nice sheen that you have on the paint on your glossy kitchen walls? That comes from cattle by-product. It's in cosmetics. It gives the street you drive on that slightly reflective sheen. It's everywhere. Everywhere. Anybody who worships cows (lots of people) would be horrified if they really knew just how prolific we are in spreading cow around.

And it's not just cows - any animal can be rendered at a rendering plant. They put the tissues through all kinds of processes. THe first processes are pretty normal-seeming and turn it into dog food or whatever. But then they get into stuff like treating it with lye and acids to turn it into various chemical products.

The very little that is left is burned. That part, you could say, is wasted. But it is a portion that shrinks every year as more ways are discovered to use what's left.

The meat industry is guilty of a lot of things, cruelty to animals certain being one of them, but it ain't guilty of waste. Cattle might as well be made of gold for all the money it brings in, and the last thing the meat industry will do is throw away money.
