Quantum, have no fear. A lot of folks here are forum buddies. It's not about being 'right'. DA enjoys an argument as much as I do, but it's unusual for him settle for a one syllable reply. He'll be back...<g>

(What did I tell you, quantum? He even beat me to the post)

'The amoeba is not going to turn toward the sulfuric acid just becomes some mindless program says "go left."'

No, I dare to say it wouldn't. Any single cell contains a great deal of information and instructions, and the amoeba certainly employs some interesting physiological responses to its environment. So one should hardly be surprised to discover a very minor subroutine that has a survival advantage - a subroutine which, although working within the greater program, hardly puts it in the AI category.

Last edited by redewenur; 03/24/07 05:33 PM.