statistics on maximum and minimum are unacceptable for a number of different reasons. Firstly because the variable time is allowed to vary. There are some instances where a maximum and minimum occur within hours of each other, and hence not a very good representation of the average. The maximum temperature has a lot larger variation than the minimum (generally), and hence a simple of addition of the two is play school stuff, not statistical analysis.

And Morgan, once again, you are pretending as if my nature of my degree is up in the air. This when I personally scanned my results to you. Please stop the BS.

And the names you listed? Please. What you testing me now? I really shouldn't even bother playing your little games. I find it actually quite offensive, but if you must then this is it and all I will say on the matter, because I do not ever need to prove myself anymore than I have.


I think it's obvious the difference, and I use the AD test quite often, but once again I have no need whatsoever to prove myself any more than I have.

Please Morgan, can we talk science here?