Blacknad wrote:
"That was the context it was written in and makes perfect sense to translate it as such."

So you, a falliable human being, are now the arbiter of what god intended when he gave Moses those tablets. You are so perfect in your thinking, your interpretation, and your understanding of what things were like in the desert 3500 years ago that you can make this statement?

Blacknad wrote:
"The cultures the Jews came into contact with created statues and images and prayed to and worshipped them as gods."

Pretty much the same as what one sees today when goes into a Roman Catholic church and watches people pray to a statue (image) of Jesus Christ.
Wow! What a relief to see that interpretation in action. Too bad that's not what God wrote. But then again I guess if you can ignore the commandment on murder and wage holy wars why should one of the other commandments be any more important.

Well I've got a really great idea. Since you know better than god how to write those first two commandments ... how about taking a whack at fixing the rest of Genesis: Just like King Henry XIII.

Seriously Blacknad? Doesn't this just reek of hypocrisy? A human claiming to know better than a god what the god should have written?

DA Morgan