"What is most precious about your response is that you immediately jump to the conclusion that I disagree with you because I am not 'educated.' The word you are looking for is brain-washed and I am extremely knowledgeable about the writings of all of the major religions."

YOU are educated in the writings of ALL major religions? Then why were you asking questions like "Who wrote the Bible? When did this person write it? In what language?" Either you were playing dumb or you honestly didn't know. I assumed you were actually looking for answers. Forgive me if you were only being facetious.

"Which is why I find them so laughable and the victims so tragic."

Good grief. Another bitter atheist (I assume you're not an agnostic... Not many agnostics are this "mean."). Look, I believe everyone is entitled to their own views. You apparently do not. I'd be happy to have a civilized, intelligent discussion with you, but I don't appreciate the offensive, patronizing blather. I didn't come here to argue or even debate, just to give my input and perhaps answer a few questions someone might have. If you want a flame war, you're barking up the wrong tree.