Maybe I can finally finish the comment I started 3 hours ago....

The short version this time. I kept getting moved at work.

In short, your entire rebuttal validates mine and DA's arguments as to the inablility of any religion to claim validity and that they hold the truth of God's words.

If the JWs and the Mormons are considered cultists by the rest of the Christian sects yet they believe they are correct, what right do we have to say they are incorrect?

You admit that there human agencies have edited the word of God as it contradicted what was already in the Bible. My question is what mortal, human agency has the right to decide what is contradictory? The Old and New Testament are completely different in tone - eye for an eye versus forgiveness, who are we to say that one is more correct then the other?

Let me ask you and Blacknad, if Jesus appeared today who would believe it was really him and not some insane person babbling to be the Son of God reborn? What would it take to prove to you who believe in Christ that it was Him? How do you decide who is and who is not a false prophet?

I firmly believe that if Christ reappeared on Earth he would be put in an insane asylum, given strong drugs and that would be the end of it. No one, not even the Christians would believe him.