However, I disagree with this: "Science on the other hand gives its grandest prizes to those that overcome normal human behaviour and establish new paradigms that better explain reality."
Well, not so much disagree, since it is true, but it is more a question of the individual's thirst for knowledge, and more importantly, the individuals ability to have them-selves proved-wrong and not get discouraged, and quite to the contrary, be more motivated to find the real truth. Where as some intelligently make fact-based hypothesis and set out to prove for themselves whether they were correct, others fool themselves with the belief that their hypothesis makes so much sense that it couldn't possibly be wrong. So now they have solved the mystery of life and can now rest their brain and go and ponder over more important things like sports, and cars -and sports cars!
Other differences between creationists and us include gullibility, the ability to trust the word of humans, which I find remarkable when I watch the biased news and lying governors.
Fear plays another important role in whether or not you are a 'believer' and I will now quote a believer concluding a debate on science vs. religion: "if god doesn't exist, so what -you die, but if he does, you're f***ed". Now I'm not saying that you have to be brave to believe in science, since the only reason I'm not afraid of being an atheist is because I give those stories of eternal damnation for non-believers as much credit as I would a story told to scare young children into behaving, but perhaps there are those that fear death (as in oblivion) so very much that their own sub-conscious works against them to prevent 'intelligent thinking' so that they can have peace of mind. Then of course there is that theory that gullibility is caused by your genetic make-up but then again, this is the origins board.