I was raised a creationist. Actually, I had two conflicting views. I was a creationist and an evolutionist. For whatever reason it never occurred to me that there was a conflict, until a fateful experience in Sunday School.

I won't relate the incident, but I remained a creationist a long time after that. It took me a very long time to figure things out. Since then, I have argued with an debated many, many creationists - online and off. I got interested in the subject when I was an agnostic who was still kind of pro-creation - nearly 25 years ago, about the same time I discovered the Internet. In fact, if I recall correctly, my very first post ever on the Internet was on the subject of evolution.

Every dealing I have ever had with creationists leads me to suspect that my own experience was not unique. Very, VERY few of them know what the theory of evolution actually says, and fewer still understand the implications.

Now it could be that most creationists are silent and the ones I have argued with have just been particularly vociferous and ignorant (of evolution).