i cant believe you finally admitted to being ignorant about something. don't worry, ignorance can be cured, unlike the stupidity of not being willing to admit that you don't know everything.

how about the fact that it is several thousand years old, yet has never incited a single war, unlike many of the modern religions?

a cult is something that is recent, such as christianity, not something ancient like Wicca. granted the revival of it and the version of it that is used most of today is different than that used before Christ, since much of that knowledge was lost due to christian being deceived by the church leaders into believing that witches were evil.

by the by. i live in a city of more than 500000 people and several of our city council members and business leaders are pagan. we have no problem getting along with society, as long as that society does not assume that we are evil just because we are different. After all, we are part of that society.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.