so why does it work?
the bottles on the wheel all have the same weight of fluid in them.
by offsetting the fluid weights on the wheel there is no imbalance
of the wheel that would cause a sustained rotation.
so where does the force come from that causes a sustained
rotation of the wheel?
BR) at the bottom right the liquid mass moves closer to the center of rotation.
and while the mass is moving closer to the center of rotation the mass is moving
independently from the wheel and in the opposite direction of wheel rotation.
this movement of mass does affect the rotational energy of the wheel
because the mass is being pulled down by gravity.
and gravity causes a torque on the wheel in the opposite direction
of rotation.
this torque can be calculated using the mass of the fluid and its
distance from the center of the wheel.
as the liquid mass strikes the end of the bottle there is a rather
large force applied to the wheel in the opposite direction of wheel rotation.
so here we have two forces that are applied in the opposite
direction of rotation.
TL) at the top left the liquid mass moves further from the center of rotation.
and while the mass is moving further from the center of rotation the mass is moving
independently from the wheel and in the direction of wheel rotation.
this movement of mass does affect the rotational energy of the wheel
because the mass is being pulled down by gravity.
and gravity causes a torque on the wheel in the direction
of rotation.
this torque can be calculated using the mass of the fluid and its
distance from the center of the wheel.
as the liquid mass strikes the end of the bottle there is a rather
large force applied to the wheel in the direction of wheel rotation.
so here we have two forces that are applied in the
direction of rotation.
the results are ...
the impact of the fluid in the bottle at the top left imparts
the same rather large force equal to the force generated by the
fluid in the bottle at the bottom right of the wheel.
however because the impact at the top is further away from the center
of rotation than the impact at the bottom of the wheel
there is more torque applied by the impact at top left in the
direction of wheel rotation than the torque applied by the impact
at the bottom right in the opposite direction of rotation.
E=2-1 not Mc^2
the differences of the two torques generated by the
fluid moving closer and further from the center of rotation
will cancel each other out and will not add or subtract any
rotational energy to the wheel.
the wheel itself is balanced ...
the only forces that cause the wheel to rotate is
the impact forces as the fluid strikes the ends of
the bottles that are located closer and further from
the center of the wheel.