Take it up with the moderator I am not crawling thru the endless Maroz threads to find the right one for what is a 2 second post which Bill S might actually find and care to take up as part of his studies on the subject. It is sort of on topic for Bill S at a stretch and it is sort of normal for science forums to discuss things not just regurgitate media articles
I am sorry I was not aware that book review discussion was so sensitive that it could not tolerate a quick post that was not really worth a new thread unless Bill S want to engage, who was in the thread discussion. I thought you were big enough to simply skip over what is a very small post as it doesn't interest you anyhow. It took up a little more room than pokey's joke response
I would prefer the forum worked properly as well but alas only AR2 can address that issue and on the plus side it isn't me claiming some ridiculous trash theory and I don't claim to be in line for a Nobel prize
I will be careful in future to never to interrupt a book review discussion again because those are what make and break a good science forum. Sorry, I so wasn't thinking when I did that.
Now if AR2 does want to take issue with me over unforgivable interruption to book club I will understand. However perhaps she could fix up the endless threads by Marosz which lead to this situation.
Bill S if you want to take up the challenge start a new thread for the discussion to keep the "science in a box" natives happy. It will throw up some curve balls that will get you thinking.
Now back to it guys you were discussing "Black Holes and Time Warps" by Kip Thorne before I interrupted. It got rave reviews and has been added to the must read list, take it from there.