But, using Nature to help repair and recover, stem-cell, and gene therapy could be the long term answers, rather than
'Biotics and chemical medicines?
Mike Kremer
Speaking of chemical medicines...(re: the other post).
But seriously, can I quote you on that? "But, using Nature to help repair and recover...."
What a neat idea....
I have to say, i don't see much difference between the stem/genes stuff and the "chemical medicines" of which antibiotics are too.
It is all manipulation. I will admit that the stem/gene stuff is much more specific and targeted, as opposed to the old shotgun approach of early (and present) chemicals meds.
Much of gene therapy will involve manipulating the existing genetic stuff (with small chemicals), and not so much the sci.fi. stuff of transferring genes. I am speaking just of human medical therapy stuff only here, not other applications where sci.fi stuff is more prevelant.
Anyway, some new medicine is focusing on manipulating the microenvironments where "disease" develops, and affecting a change with targeted chemicals to shift things toward the more healthy side of things.
I don't like what the PharmCo's do to society, but they sure do some interesting research.