You want pretty pictures rather than a bunch of confusing words. If you don't know how to use logic or think critically, pictures won't help you, but here's a few.

Pictures of fossils showing horse evolution:

Interesting information on fossils including a sea cow and hominid skulls:

There are also fossils showing the lineage from fish to land creatures, from reptiles to mammals, from reptiles to birds, from land mammals to cetaceans. You can find those yourself. Of course, you could have found these yourself, as well. But you are not sincere in your quest. You already know The Holy Truth. You don't need to think when you have your bible and your assiduous avoidance of logic to guide you.

You can view these carefully and read the text - carefully. But you really need to read Mayr's book, if you want to understand the subject. What you're doing is analogous to a spoilt 16 year old throwing a tantrum on the stupidity of higher math while steadfastly refusing to learn his times tables, or any of those silly old axioms.