"I do understand it. it states primarily that creatures change over time."

No it doesn't. It says that populations change over time. MOREOVER, it gives mechanisms by which this change could occur.

"I only ask for a simple picture of a changed creature."
What you ask for is stupid. The question is ambiguous.

"If that is asking too much from the entire scientific community then that tells me that there is none."
You have been given information. You refuse to do your homework, because it is easier for you to remain an ignoramous than it is to do an honest day's homework on the subject.

"I suppose you KNOW something about this."
I have studied evolution for some time. My very first post on the internet, about 26 or 27 years ago now, was on the subject. I have read many books, articles, and debates. I have discussed my ideas with practicing biologists. I have some knowledge, although I am not an expert.

"so why dont you show me one."
I did one better. I told you how you could show one to yourself - look in the mirror.

"surely you have seen at least 1 picture of a evolution changed creature."
You don't have to see pictures. You can see the real thing. Look out your window - every plant and animal, all the people you see are products of evolution. Moreover, they are all related. As a friend of mine said to me once, they all share the fact that they had some common ancestor - far into the distant past.

I know that logic is mystery to you, as is evidence. That's why this is not sufficient for you. You are poorly educated. You have a comic-book understanding of science.

If you want to understand what you're talking about you have to do some real homework on the subject. Or you can continue to flaunt your abject ignorance.