then explain why the ice with sulphur in it stays in the atmosphere for decades after a super volcano eruption. Ice cores taken from a time up to 11 years after some of the biggest one still show traces of sulphur. test after Mount Pinatubo found traces of it 2 years afterwords. It was having a measurable effect on the entire world's temperature for 6 months. so did Mount St Helen. the ice forms very large, but low density crystals in the upper atmosphere. Only as they melt into the lower atmosphere do they fall out as sulphur rain.
they are heavy enough to fall out eventually, but its the mean time that there effect is felt. The sulphuric ice from the last super volcano eruption dropped the earths tempature something in the neighborhood of 20 degrees (if i remember correctly).

before you start saying that things like this cant happen, better find out if it does already happen in nature.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.