So Al how would you allocate resources...

Is it liberalism to build more schools, provide better roads, encourage a healthy society through better and less expensive health care, protect natural resources so that generations from now will be able to breathe the air and drink the water. Are these things evil? Liberalism does not cause urban decay, loss of jobs through companies going offshore does.

Liberalism does not prevent schools from having books or enough heating oil, irresponsible conservative governing who spends all the money on a pointless war does.

AS much as you condemn liberalism you should not be typing on the internet right now as it was designed to be a free service which just reeks of liberalism.

Anyone in your family or circle of friends attend a public school, liberalism; is anyone you know a female who has a job, liberalism.

Realize what liberalism has done to promote society versus the neo cons and conservative outlook instead of condemning anything that helps anybody.

Find some new insult phrases too, you're getting redundant with your faith is rotted optimism phrase.