Originally Posted By: paul
so nothing changed !!! time has not yet been changed
nor has velocity been converted into time.
I can see nothing has changed, but I think I see several places where you are going awry.

Originally Posted By: paul
by multiplying the 1 second in the calculation
that you pointed to, times the current
total in the calculation of 0.99498743710662 m/s

1 s * 0.99498743710662 m/s = 0.99498743710662 m/s
Okay, this indicates a major misconception.
It (t) is not another "1 second" or "1 s" in front of the square root sign.
It (t) is whatever certain length of time you might want to calculate (the time dilation of),
such as the duration of a trip at near light speed.

And by using that "certain length of time" (say t = 2 years, for example)
and multiplying by the square root of that ratio [m/s divided by m/s],
you find the solution, getting the result for t' (t prime) ...the dilated time.

Assuming the equation is correct....
So, if the square root of all that stuff turned out to be one half,
then t' would be one year (of the traveler's perspective)
...for a (t equals) two year trip (from Earth's perspective).

Orac?!? Do I have those perspectives correct? Please feel free to correct anything, since I'm just figuring this out as I go along ...from a chemistry/biology science background. But I think I still recall algebra well enough.

But whatever, Paul, let's see if you can come up with a new 'exclusion principle' for this second point about the units, such as meter per second or (seconds * some distance in meters), which should just be basic algebra and was already pointed out, once or twice, in various ways. But humor me here.

But first one other point about the units: ...where you say:
Originally Posted By: paul
1 second * 1000 m/s is not equal to 1000 seconds
the result is not an amount of time.
...that is correct! The answer wouldn't be (in units of) time:
It would be 1000 meters, a distance. Just look at the units, and at which units cancel and what is remaining.
If it were 2 seconds * 1000 m/s, you'd get 2000 meters, right?

So, about these units.... Here's where I'm hoping you'll humor me a bit.
Here is my "test" for you: Are these two lines below the same? In other words:
Is the second line equal to the first line, but just stated differently?

50 meters/second (divided by) 200 meters/second =

50 meters/second (multiplied by) 1 second/200 meters ?

~ whistle

p.s. "It's a trap!" laugh ....No, not really; it's just basic algebra.
...or do you consider that fantasy science too? wink

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