Just to put a label on you then Bill S, it makes you a sort of vitalist


Vitalistic thinking has also been identified in the naive biological theories of children: Recent experimental results show that a majority of preschoolers tend to choose vitalistic explanations as most plausible. Vitalism, together with other forms of intermediate causality, constitute unique causal devices for naive biology as a core domain of thought.
Sorry just having fun with you smile

There is an interesting theory to add your idea which will interest you that "photons carry subjectivity or consciousness as a property".

For me the living organism is consuming chemicals and energy and those things are definitely under the normal laws of physics. I don't think there is anything in a living body that lies outside the domain of normal physics, or at least I have absolutely no evidence that such a thing exists.

My invisible pink aliens are looking attractive in comparison unless you can offer some evidence?

Last edited by Orac; 06/05/16 07:21 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.