Did you ever try to cut up a good haunch of mastodon using a piece of limestone?

the site doesnt look as if it had very many people living there.
I dont think that a few people would attempt to kill a mastodon
they probably mostly hunted or trapped smaller animals.

or raised smaller animals for food.

and no I havent.

I would like to see a more detailed article that included the
location of the find and the depth of the cave.

alot can be derived from more details.

and were not sure that these people were in fact neanderthals
they may have been part of an earlier group of explorers from the African continent that became cut off from their way out of France as the ice age and the ice advanced.

just because the archaeologist have never found this type of
site before and it doesnt fit into their predefined set of rules
that govern who and where and when people used to travel
certainly does not mean that people could not have traveled
to areas that they chose to travel to or when they could
choose to travel to those ares because the archaeologist
were not there to tell them that they couldnt go.

they also were not there to tell them what they could build
or eat or wear or which tools they could use or when and
where they could take a crap or scratch their ass.

and facebook was not around to record it.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.