Weeks ago, Just after Frank Gunter, a friend, gave me a copy of INTEGRGAL CHRISTIANITY--The Spirit's Call to Evolve, I began to wade through all 381 pages--a great experience.

When I entered the Mackenzie Health Centre, Friday, October 24, I focused my attention on reading it, carefully, and I made lots of notes all the way through, to the end of the book. It was an enjoyable exercise!
THE PRACTICE OF INTEGRAL PHILOSOPHY--on self, in harmony with others, and with the help of others.

http://www.revpaulsmith.com/ -- LOTS OF HELPFUL INFORMATION HERE. Check out www.paragonhouse.com
While Having read this book, thoroughly, and filled it with many notes, I chose NOT to push it at people.

Once Hospital staff members and patients--Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Atheists, Agnostics, etc., listened to some of my jokes and comments about life in general, they all became very interested. All became very curious and asked many questions.

For me, it was lots of fun watching people, including myself, become more open and healthier--spiritually, mentally and somatically. IN MY OPINION, PNEUMA-PSYCHO-SOMATIC WHOLENESS IS THE GOAL!

G~O~D--Now & ForeverIS:Nature, Nurture & PNEUMA-ture, Thanks to Warren Farr&ME AT www.unitheist.org