A WEEK AT THE MACKENZIE HEALTH CENTRE, MARKHAM, ONTARIO--a great place to be when seriously ill, which I WAS!!!


Thanks for taking the time to work with Jean and me in our old, i.e, gerontological age--Senescence begins, and middle age ends, the day your descendants outnumber your friends.

Tomorrow (that was Oct. 24), I plan to go to the emergency ward of The Mackenzie Health Centre, which I hear is a much improved version of the old York Central.
Answer to a question asked by a friend:
BTW, take note that Jesus also used the word 'yoke'. It is related to the Sanskrit and Greek word for 'yoga'. He spoke of it, not as a burden to be carried, but as a tool that actually helps us have more power and make our burdens lighter and easier to carry.


Latest News:




By the way, last Friday, October 24, early evening--having been diagnosed with having hematuria (blood in the urine), which caused me to have dangerously low hemoglobin, plus serious edema in the lower body and legs, which and caused me to feel extremely exhausted.

It was at this point that I decided to call an ambulance.

Efficiently, I was soon delivered to the EMERGENCY WING of MHC. Just as efficiently, I was soon admitted, by the nurse and the doctor (Bose) in charge and taken to my bed, until a room would be available in the main hospital. What a relief! Even more relief came, when the room became available.

From then on, there was a whole series of procedures--blood tests, CAT and MRI scans, monitoring my vital signs, ultra sound and the like, plus five BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS.

Thankfully, the 5 transfusions raised my hemoglobin level to normal. Because of this, I was allowed to leave the hospital, early this afternoon, about 2:00 pm. Next Tuesday I will go back for day-surgery. A urologist wants to check and see just what caused the hematuria--blood in my urine. My urine was quite clear a few minutes ago. Good! Right now, I feel strong and well!

What a joy it is to be back with my wife, Jean--we just finished a delicious dinner at 8:00 pm--a retired teacher. Our first posting was to Goose Bay, Labrador. She taught, while I "praught" smile (that is, as a minister, I preached).

In addition, we actually helped the 2 nurses at the local mission nursing station. We also organized the first council of Happy Valley, then a squatter's town. The area--Happy Valley Goose-bay--now has nearly 8.000 people and is thriving because of development going on in the north. Yes, we helped found a town.

BTW, we married in September 1952. I was 22, she was 6 months older. What an interesting life we have had, thank

G O D--that which Generates, Organizes and Delivers all that Good, Optimistic and Delightful.


THE PRACTICE OF INTEGRAL PHILOSOPHY--on self, in harmony with and with the help of others.

http://www.revpaulsmith.com/ -- LOTS OF HELPFUL INFORMATION HERE.

Having read this book, thoroughly, and filled it with many notes, I chose NOT to push it at people.

Hospital staff members and patients--Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Atheists, Agnostics, etc.--were all very curious and asked many questions. For me, it was lots of fun watching people, including myself, become more open and healthier--spiritually, mentally and somatically. IN MY OPINION, PNEUMA-PSYCHO-SOMATIC WHOLENESS IS THE GOAL!

Integrally and holistically yours,


With agape, Let there be

Last edited by Revlgking; 10/31/14 04:00 AM.

G~O~D--Now & ForeverIS:Nature, Nurture & PNEUMA-ture, Thanks to Warren Farr&ME AT www.unitheist.org