Personally I think you are taking responsibility for what is HIS PROBLEM.

The solution is simple tell him to keep posts on the same topic in one thread and everytime he doesn't delete the threads until he gets the message which may take a while with Marosz. I know you can do that because you did it once before with PreEarth and he got the message.

Why you are making it your problem, it his responsibility to adhere to forum rules, you simply enforce the policy.

It's really not that hard if he doesn't want his posts deleted then keep them in the one thread.

I simply don't get your reluctance to delete the threads it's not like the same garbage is not repeated hundreds of time and lunatic would lose anything. Hence I pose the question why merge rather than simply delete them.

Here look at his website

All he does is start a thread pick a few images from the pile of trash on his website and recycle it over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

Right click on any of the images in his posts on the forum and you will see the image location is his own website.

That is what annoys almost everyone on the forum and we don't get why you won't act as it isn't like he is typing long detailed answers and responses. He is just cutting and pasting image links from his own website and adding a couple of lines of usually illiterate text between them.

Last edited by Orac; 10/29/14 12:38 PM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.