Please look on the table in Your room
please imagine mass m

F1---> m <----F2
Earth's center

You want to push mass m very fast ( 30 km/s respect to table )
on mass m works Gravitation Q = m*g
short time after mass m star motion exist Fr=mV^2/R

Exist friction (table mass m ) T = Qn*fn

Qn = Q + Fr or Qn= Q-Fr

PERSON ON THE EARTH SEE 30 km/s (left/right ) direction
PERSON ON THE SUN SEE zero or 60 km/s

who have right ?

Marosz (me) we can measure forces that are working on table's Legs !!! inside each leg we can have tensometer (Mpa )

Einstein told everything is relative ?
Marosz Exist One and Special Radial force that work on table during motion !!!

" Galileo postulated his relativity hypothesis: any two observers moving at constant speed and direction with respect to one another will obtain the same results for all mechanical experiments (it is understood that the apparatuses they use for these experiments move with them).
This idea has a very important consequence: velocity is not absolute. This means that velocity can only be measured in reference to some object(s), and that the result of this measurment changes if we decide to measure the velocity with respect to a diferent refernce point(s). Imagine an observer traveling inside a windowless spaceship moving away from the sun at constant velocity. Galileo asserted that there are no mechanical experiments that can be made inside the rocket that will tell the occupants that the rocket is moving .
The question ``are we moving'' has no meaning unless we specify a reference frame (are we moving with respect to that star'' is meaningful). This fact, formulated in the 1600's remains very true today and is one of the cornerstones of Einstein's theories of relativity."

Marosz (me ) inside rocket we can use two mass m
we can chagne omega ( please evaluate what will happen if
V1=V )

if V1=V ===> that only one ARM m--r--x--r---m will geerate tension(Mpa) in beam

Einstein Told Everything is moving
Marosz (me ) Everything in space is making rotation

There where exist gravitation must Exist some radius R and special Fr=m*V*V/R
( Mr Einstein not included above important problem in his postulats
- below very simple picture mass m on planet and mass m inside rocket ( g acceleration )

Mass m that is moving very fast respect to table can fly similar like satellites ( first escape speed )


we have mass m on the table

we can have two mass m on the table

we can fly in space without opposite to motion reaction
( not exist force that is able push Earth oposite to vehicle that I showed )

more about above
EN >
PL >

Author ( I'm Engineer and Inventor)
I love create - below You can find more experiments proposition ( I'm very open for cooperate ) I looking place where I will work live and create . I can solve any problem that will generate person who offer me food , water , and condition to work

5 weeks ago Nasa showed raport about EMdrive Engine

NASA's raport

2 Years Ago I explained all

About EMdrive You can read here

Last edited by newton; 09/19/14 04:51 AM.